LB Stars Of Tomorrow...Part 1

Although Season 3 of Laguna won’t be starting for another six or so months, it’s never too early to start familiarizing ourselves with the cast of the new episodes. Some we’ve seen before (Cami), some we wish we’d seen before (hot guys on surfboards) and some we’ve seen in the background (LC’s sister). So, in order to get to know the new cast, I’ll be posting a new feature once or twice a week called… (drumroll optional)
Laguna Beach Stars Of Tomorrow
This week, we’ll be starting with Cami. Why? She was the most recognizable of the new castmembers. And I happened to have a link to her MySpace.
Real Name: Cameron
Nickname: Cami, "Vaguely Ethnic Girl" (according to TVGasm)
Where You’ve Seen Her: Asking Alex M. if it was okay if she went to the prom with Jason, getting ditched at prom by Jason, in the background at various parties.
Best Friends: Candace (Alex H.'s hlaf-sister), Lexi, Kyndra
Possible Enemies: Breanna Conrad (LC's sister)
Past Hookups: J. Wahl. Come on...You don't think he asked her to prom just 'cause they're buddies, do you?
Past Drama: Walking in on Jessica giving Jason a blow job at a party, going with Jason to prom, texting Alex M. about Jess n' Jason's bathroom lovin'.
Quotes From Her (Possible) MySpace:
Hiiii I'm Cami.. I'm a junior at LBHS. IM ALLERGIC TO ANNOYING PEOPLE. I like cuddling.. but I dont like feet, rats and underwater animals. I really wanna be a lawyer cause I can argue my way out of anything. I dont like annoying people but I like coffee and diet coke. I also like waiting until it rains and putting salt on snails. I'm a liberal, I'm argumentative, I'm extremely secretive & sneaky, I'm spontaneous, I always think I'm right, I'll do anything for my friends, but I dont take shit. I make a lot of promises I can't keep but I try not to. I miss all of friends who went off to college but so far Ive made up for it. I LOVE to laugh, and I pride myself on being the only 1/4 Black 1/2 Jewish girl in laguna
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