Thursday, August 17, 2006

Laguna Beach: Summer of Stupid

Laguna Beach: Summer of Stupid. This summer, evil doesn't have a clue...

What happens when the creators of "Must Love Jaws" and "Ten Things I Hate About Commandments" give Laguna clips the voiceover/re-edit treatment and create a horror movie trailer? Straight up hilariousness-- if you thought that MTV had expert editors, think again!

Check it out

Snap Judgments

First impressions are usually a good barometer of how things might go in the long run, so in keeping with the snotty, bitchy (and fabulous!) tone of last night's season premiere of LB, here are some snap judgments on Season 3.

Tessa: Meh. The New York Times had it right when they said: "That narrator in the third season of 'Laguna Beach' is like, so lame." The author continues and says: "Tessa Keller simply introduces too much reality to the otherworldly fantasy of perpetual sunshine that has driven the show so far. Besides, she’s boring. Sure, sometimes, as in movies and novels, unpopular girls are secretly noble, sophisticated and brilliant, but sometimes — we have to admit — they’re just uncool. "

Kyndra: Love. Her. But at the same time (despite being almost a full decade older than her), she scares me a little. I can't wait to see her scheming and plotting-- which I think will put Kristin's machinations to shame.

Cami: As my boyfriend said, "classic sidekick". I don't think she'll be the Alex H. of the season, because really any girl who went with Jason to prom has to be interesting, but I'm interested to see her play Princess Bee to Kyndra's Queen Bee.

Cameron: Has VERY white teeth. And I think that's it.

Jessica: Ohhh, Jessica. Have you learned nothing? I cringed watching her date with Cameron. It's the FIRST DATE, Jess! Don't talk about feelings or commitment or your exes! Talk about cute, flirty things. FYI: emotional abuse is NOT cute and flirty. Sigh.

Season 2 Girls: Love, love, loved seeing them be catty about Jason and Lauren and Kristin. Think they'll drop in once in awhile to impart some old-school wisdom on the youngsters? Or even to just illuminate us on what happened with Alex H. and Kristin?

Also, when Alex M. walked into dinner singing "L-O, L-O, L-O-V-E", did anyone else have flashbacks of her walking into the beauty parlor last season singing "This s**t is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S"...Or was that just me?

So, hot stuffs, tell me your thoughts in the comments, and I'll keep posting all of the new information that's out there today, K?

Oops! Totally forgot Breanna...but I guess that kind of says it all, eh?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bolthouse Productions-- Hottest College Job Ever

Even if you can't get into any of Brent Bolthouse's clubs or parties (like Hyde, Privilege, Lobby and LAX)-- and really, how many of us really can?-- you can take a tour of the Bolthouse Productions offices, seen on The Hills.

MTV Overdrive offers a tour, given by the lovely Heidi Montag...Jealous much? I know I am.

Season Three Overload

Teen People has gone LB-Crazy! They've put up an entire site of Laguna-related materials, including cast interviews, "where are they now?" updates, quizzes and Season 3 video previews. If MTV hasn't been teasing you enough, check out the site and let me know how you do on the quiz, how much weight you think the stars of past seasons have gained, and what you think (honestly!) of Talan's new song "Laguna Beeyotch".

Monday, August 14, 2006

New Season Update-- Tessa Keller

The New York Daily News has an article about the heir apparent to the Laguna Beach narrator's throne once occupied by LC and Kristin. This year's narrator is Tessa Keller, a 17-year-0ld junior.

In addition to her new job as Laguna Beach narrator, Tessa is a model for surfwear companies Hurley and Lucy Love-- and she designs her own clothes. No word yet on this season's drama, but I'll have updates as soon as they come across the wires!