All They Want For Christmas...
Trent included a link to
Talan and
Kristin's Christmas wish lists, and surprisingly enough, neither asked for US Weekly covers, a top 10 record, guaranteed entry into
DJ AM's club LAX or a mention in
Page Six.
What did they ask for? Click
here to see for yourself, or take my word for it.
Talan wants an English Bulldog and scented candles (does one beget the other?).
Kristin is a little more in the giving spirit, and thinks that Barbies make the perfect gift for girls, because she could never get enough of them when she was younger. Awwww. Wonder if that's why she moved to Cali?
Side By Side-kick

I've always wanted to be a sidekick on LB. You know, like
Heidi and
Jenn are to LC, or
Roz is to
Kristin. Since I'm all the way across the country-- not to mention slightly out of their age group, I may have to settle for second best. Buying
Talan's broken Sidekick.
Someone in Arizona (hmmm,
Taylor maybe?) is
selling his broken Sidekick on eBay. Although the top screen and the keyboard part are broken apart, and the seller claims there's no way it will ever work, something tells me there MUST be a way to get the data off of it. If you want to bid, be my guest. Or you can always click on the Amazon button to the right and donate some money to me so I can buy it!
Thanks to
Trent for the link!
Perez's "Laguna Sandwich"
Perez Hilton, whose gossip seems to get hotter and hotter by the day, files a
firsthand report from the VH1
Big In '05 Awards, complete with some pictures from the event with
Kristin and
LC. More on them later.
Pictures courtesy of Perez.
LB Stars Go To College!
LC and Stephen made a joint appearance at Washington University in St. Louis recently, and the student paper interviewed them. In a scintillating piece of student journalism, we learned that LC doesn’t like Taco Bell and that Ste-phen has a girlfriend. Although the gossip I blogged earlier said that his girlfriend is K-Cav, that’s the one fun fact from that email that I find tough to believe. Stephen was characteristically vague about his new ladyfriend, only saying: “I have a girlfriend”. Thanks for the insight, Stephen. Maybe he has a couple of them, and doesn't want to tip the others off that they're not the only one. I can't say it's out of the realm of possibility!
Some other news?
Lauren confirms that she and Jason are still together
She calls Talan’s engagement a “publicity stunt” (shocking! Just SHOCKING!)
And in the most telling exchange of the whole interview:
"SL: And Jason…is he around?L: He's my boyfriend.S: So there's that."
Check out the full article here.
Casey Speaks!
Casey appeared on Ramiro and Pebbles' L.A. (oops, almost typed "LC") radio talk show recently. Click here and scroll down to listen to Miss Casey-dilla herself talk about fame, extensions, and frozen burritos.Okay, maybe that's not what she talks about, but how hot would it be if it was? Casey actually comes across as being nice, level-headed and dare I say it...intelligent? Maybe it's all that pageant training that gave her the ability to give such diplomatic answers.Fun facts: Her brother is a professional baseball player for the Angels. And she doesn't know what "butt cheeks" are. And she thinks Jessica is a "sad girl".