LBBI (Laguna Beach Blind Items...Obvs.)

Also from Kristin at
E! Online...These blind items. Guesses, speculation and corroboration go in the comments.
Beach Boozers: According to one spy, these castmembers are "supposed go to events [to promote themselves], but if they even show up in time for the red carpet, they're too wasted to pose for pictures."
Beach Bum: This castmember has been in and out of rehab many times, which is also the reason he or she wasn't even around for the first season of the show.
Beach Baddie: This castmember got into a knock-down, drag-out fight with a castmember of the opposite sex, bashing his or her head against a wall.
Beach Bum and
Beach Baddie are the same person.)
Not that I'm offering any speculation, just a random story...but in the Laguna book, Jason was described as not being in the first season because he had been sent away to a Utah wilderness camp and then a super-strict boarding school because he was fighting and partying WAY too much. I'm not sayin'...I'm just sayin'.
Hot New Laguna News
One of my FAVORITE sources for LB gossip, Kristin, the TV Diva on E! Online has handed over the reins of her column to her assistant for some SUPER juicy LB Gossip this week. The link to the whole article is here, but here are some interesting tidbits...Followed by a couple of blind (blond?) items.First, news on the Season 2 Cast:- Jessica, Alex M. and Alex H. will all be appearing in Season 3. MTV also desperately wants Stephen and Kristin. However, Stephen's busy trying to jump-start his acting career (and a relationship with a girl in his acting class), and Kristin is also hesitating, given her fancy new role in that Al Pacino flick.
- Kristin's "friendships with the Laguna gang are rapidly dissolving." Why? "As of two weeks ago, Kristin and Alex H. were sharing an apartment, but Alex H. left to move into another posh L.A. building with Alex M. It's a building that happens to be one of Kristin's dad's developments. Show insiders tell me their relationship soured because Kristin insisted that everything be about her, expecting Alex to be on call. The last straw went down at a San Diego event for Dieter's charity, when Alex refused to drive Kristin back to L.A. early for an audition."
- "Stephen is sharing a downtown L.A. apartment with Dieter and Jason. They aren't in school right now, but while Stephen has acting classes, and Dieter has his charity, I'm told Jason's concentrating on cleaning up his act, though it doesn't seem to be happening. Says a source who works with the Laguna Beach crew, "Promoters are constantly calling them and sending them to different L.A. clubs every night of the week. Jason is always getting kicked out of clubs for getting into fights...He's wrecked a lot of cars, too. That's why you always see him driving different ones on the show." Same goes for Stephen. Word has it that last week he crashed a brand-new car the very same day he bought it!"
- LC tells all of the other cast members to talk to the hand...except Jason, whom she's still (ugh)dating. I wonder if this includes Lo?
- "According to insiders, [LC] and Kristin did make up months ago, but they're back to being enemies, maybe, I'm told, because they both hooked up with Stephen again over the summer." Maybe the rehashing of the LC-Ste-phan-K-Cav love triangle in the finale was a little more accurate and timely than we realized?
And now, Season 3"As for Laguna's next installment, one well-connected spy says, "It isn't centered around a boy or a love triangle, like the last two seasons have been. It'll revolve around a couple of girls who can't stand another girl. One of the girls, who's in the 'we don't like you' group, is the chick Jason took to prom this year. Also, there are twins who actually moved to Laguna from Texas just to be on the show!" So, clearly it's Cami and her crew against "another girl". Breanna, perhaps?More details to come...when I'm back at my own computer. I don't know about you, but this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for Laguna.
Out and About
In support of his music career (check out the songs streaming at his newly updated website!), Talan was out at the American Music Awards afterparties. While wandering around the internet, I found this picture of Kimberlan on Perez:
Apparently K-Cav and her Prince of Malibu, Brody Jenner were at the same party. I wonder if they spoke, and if so, what they said. I think it may have gone something like this: Kristin: Hey Talaaaan, what's up? Like the new Uggs Brody got me?
Talan: Hey there...Not much, workin' on the album, got a tattoo, got engaged.
Kim: See my ring? He bought it himself. Seriously. And we're in loooooove.
Kristin: Uh, yeah. So, Tal, have you done anything for Dieter's charity?
Talan: Are you kidding? Nahhh, I left that to the second tier kids. You know, Taylor, LC-- all the girls I bang-- I mean, was friends with.
Kristin: Me tooooo. I let Ste-phen and Jason do that s**t. I'm too busy being an actress. And I'm going to have my own line of shredded denim.
Talan: That's hot. Listen, Stavros and Paris are here, and I need to talk to him about some neck pain I've been having, but I'll catch up with you at home over Thanksgiving, okay?
Kristin: Okay.
Talan: And don't forget to check out my new album...It'll be out in stores in--Kristin?
Mall Tour 2K5
Here's some interesting firsthand scoop from a TVGasm on the Season 2 cast, straight from their Tiffany-esque mall tour of America."Okay so, I have scoop on the gunas. They came into RI this weekend and were at the local mall and went bowling wih a group of winners from a local radio station and did a few other things. here is the scoop from a girl I work with that won to be part of the bowling party. Deiter and Jessica were kissing the whole time.
Deiter was an asshole and didnt talk to anyone.
Alex M got her schedual "mixed up" and didnt even come.
Roz [Alex H.] just sat there and didnt really talk to anyone.
Trey was really funny and cool.
Jesica was the most fun hugging everyone and talking to everyone. She said that most of the time when they are on the phone (like when Jason called her to break up) they are really talking to the producers and are being told what to say and that alot of the situations they are put in are fake.
My friend has pictures coming to I"ll post them when she gets them back."You know, I always wondered about those phone conversations...
The Awful Truth
Ted Casablancas offered the following tidbit on everyone's favorite (?) monosyllabic duo, LC and Jason:Lauren "L.C." Conrad and Jason, exiting Kinkos. Mid-Wilshire. In shades and jeans, duh. They couldn't make it to the black Beemer without swappin' a little spit. Can you even imagine what these horn dogs were makin' photocopies of? Well, I just hope they wiped down the Xerox machine after they were, ahem, finished.
Picture courtesy of Jason's (alleged) MySpace.
Lo Is High
Bricks and Stones posted these pictures of Lo...exhaling this morning. Now, maybe it's REALLY cold in the room where she is, and her breath is steaming, but ALLEGEDLY Lo likes the illegal substances. Not that these pictures and those rumors amount to anything. Obviously.Oh, and Lo? Hot Dior shirt in the third picture...Although, according to those pesky rumors, you allegedly J'Adore something a little stronger than Dior.
Laguna Beach Stars of Tomorrow, Volume 5
You didn’t think I was just going to assume that you know about Breanna because she’s LC’s little sister, did you? Come on, people! You should know me better than that by now! Here’s a beginning primer on the younger of the Conrad sisters.
Name: Breanna Conrad
Nickname: LC’s sister
Siblings: Older sister, LC (you may have heard of her…?) and a younger brother.
Parents: Married.
House: Kind of awesome, with a pool, hot tub and ridiculous views. In Season 1, LC bragged about having a better room than Breanna when she gave Ste-phen the grand tour.
Class of: 2007
Age: 16
Hobbies: Gymnastics, Shopping and Running. (See how many other LB castmates ran in this race!)
Sitting in hot tubs with LC
And, if she's smart, talking her sister out of dating Jason.
Possible Drama: Since she’s not pictured with the New Mean Girls at any point, I’m preparing for a Clash of the Cliques, mirroring Season 2’s K-Cav vs. Tay Tay drama.
Possible MySpaces here and here. (I tend to think the second one is real, since Dieter is listed as one of her friends.)
Girls On Film
The Laguna Hookup had a link to some video of Talan and Kim Stewart out for a day in Malibu. Pretty standard stuff; she looks bad, they shop, eat, Sidekick, snuggle for the cameras. Nothing TERRIBLY fascinating, although maybe they just cut the tape right before Taylor came screaming into the restaurant and challenged K-Stew to a chickenfight?Click here for the video.

To the readers out in California (I'm looking at you, UCSB reader and Laguna and Seal Beach)...Got any interesting gossip? Lo sightings? Heidelberg Pastry Shop recipes? Help a blogger out!
Laguna Beach Stars Of Tomorrow, TVGasm Edition
So far, I've profiled Cami, Kyndra, Kelan and Candace, with some new profiles to come today. TVGasm takes a slightly more holistic approach, reviewing the new season teaser that was at the end of last week's finale. While they don't have the expansive amounts of information that I do (or the modesty), they do give glimpses of some new characters I hadn't noticed...Like this Casey-esque blonde girl.
Who is she? Is she Team Breanna or Team Cami? Any thoughts? Any inside scoop?
Looks like Dieter and RH4T have jumped on the Lance Armstrong bandwagon, and have developed wristbands for the charity. Check them out here. Buy them and you're one step closer to being just like Alex M./Jason/Kristin/Ste-phen/Talan and company. Of course, you'll also need cameras following you, more drama than a marathon psychiatric appointment, questionable music talent, and/or terrible facial hair.
Should We Just Call Today TalanDay?
reports today on the activities (other than getting engaged) of today's Laguna newsmaker, Talan Torriero.
"Laguna Beach" star Talan Torriero's just wrapped his first movie role, for an indie film called "Driftwood," about an attitude-adjustment correctional facility for teens that's haunted by the ghost of a kid murdered there. Torriero plays Yates, a security guard who beats on the kids. Meanwhile, he's also nearly completed his debut album, and anticipates that "by the end of the week, it'll be done."
Phew. Leaves more time for engagement and wedding preparation.
Teddy C. has
the scoop again...
Dieter, Jessica, Alex M. and Alex H., defining irony by promoting a foundation for (get this) teen depression and suicide. As if these kids have feelings! Anyhow, here goes: Crobar. Chi-town. They jumped onstage, danced a bit, chugged some liquid refreshments and then jetted. And they forget to, like, mention the foundation. Oops! So, then Jessica was spotted sulking in a velvet-roped-off corner. My Chi-town Desk (one of my most discerning, save Toledo) found them all "pretty annoying." Alex M. was supposed to perform and never did. Oh, please. Doesn't my Chicagoan toughie know the new celebrity is no celebrity! Talent is, like, so your grandparents.
I know I already posted the pictures from this event, but it's ALWAYS good to have another opinion.
Since I'm away from the computer where I keep all of my Laguna dirt stored today, we'll have to hold off on more Laguna Beach Stars Of Tomorrow, and delve back into the world of Kimberlan. Ted Casablanca's Awful Truth weighs in today..."I've never been so happy," she gushed to moi, as she brandished the huge bauble. "It's so big, you know?" Yes, dear. Mazel tovs are in order, but before we go picking out a maid-of-honor gown for Paris, let's discuss a couple of little things: The suck-ups at People claim this duo's been rockin' it for two months. But I, however, cannot tell a lie.
Kimberly's been boppin' Talan for two weeks...if that. Like, less than a month ago I eyewitnessed that blond babe riding some random dude's lap at the Roosevelt. And she licked up Ryan Cabrera at Mood almost yesterday, I do dishy declare! Now, I'm not one to judge (did my schnoz just grow nine inches?), I think all young thangs should date.
But why say it's been two months? Here's my theory. We all know Paris was riding shotgun to Stavi's drunken drivin'. What a scene it was, right? But didja know that Kimmers was in the backseat with Talan? I mean, I guess I knew, but did I care? Did anyone?
Here's what I think. Kim-doll and Talan put their trust-fundlicious heads together. They were sick of livin' the backseat life. Like, who can stand to be in Paris' shadow all the time? Two nobodies in the backseat of a somebody's Bentley are not exactly newsworthy. But two nobodies + a big fat rock = (perhaps) holy headlines!
I give 'em two months till they call it off. And I've only got one question. A couple months back, I asked Stewart if she thought that Paris should give Boy Paris that now infamous engagement rock back, and she responded, "She'll do the right thing. She's a lady."Do ya think Kim will live by her own words? Can't wait to find out.
Wait-- is Teddy C. implying that this isn't actually true love? I'm shocked, dismayed, and slightly secretly glad that Talan might still be um, available.Thoughts? Does C-List plus C-List equal true love, or is this relationship going to end up Dead In Hollywood? And...Any bets on how long this lovematch will last? Ted's got two months, how about you?
Wedding Watch Continues
The K-Tal Wedding Watch 2K5 stands at five days and counting...According to
Perez Hilton, Kim Stewart and Talan did NOT get married this weekend. One of his operatives ran into Talan in L.A. this weekend, and the spy reports:
"Talan and I had a good laugh about the Vegas rumors," says our special source.
"Though he was without Kimberly, he insists the engagement is not a joke and
that they are getting married but not anytime soon."
Despite all of the rumors, you didn't really think they'd get married the same weekend as X-Tina, did you? The deluded duo's nuptial buzz would be completely overshadowed by the formerly Dirrrrty songbird and her Christian LaCroix wedding dress.
Page Six today:
SOMEBODY please inform Kimberly Stewart's fianc‚ that his 15 minutes of fame are almost up. Guests at soul singer Omarion's 21st birthday at The Lobby in L.A. last week were agog when "Laguna Beach" reality nuisance Talan Torriero walked in and demanded to walk the press line. Our spy laughed, "No one was really interested and Talan kept insisting that nobody could ask him about the car crash he was in when Stavros Niarchos was driving the week before. That would be the only reason they would talk to him. There were no takers."