Drama In The LC...
The New York Daily News reported the following this morning in the Rush and Molloy column:"We love dishing about celebrity drama, but even we don't like getting caught in the middle. Our Jo Piazza got clawed by a real-life "Laguna Beach"-"The Hills" catfight at the Oakley party at Snitch Wednesday night. "Laguna" bad boy Jason Wahler kept bumping into her while he was getting to second base with a bottle blond on the back of a banquette.
When his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Lauren (LC) Conrad, walked into the party, he hastily extricated himself and landed practically in Jo's lap. LC started squealing to her pal Heidi Montag and then sent a rep from MTV to ask if
Piazza was "with" Jason. She was then ordered to "get away from him."
LC soon stormed out with her posse to another party at Tenjune.
But that wasn't it for Jason, who sloppily continued his hookup and then offered a stranger $5 for two cigarettes. Turned down, he then asked to borrow $2 so he could buy his own pack. MTV needs to start giving these kids some kickbacks."
And the moral of the story? Jason = Gross. And I've got concerns over just how permanent this breakup actually is...