Burrito Back-Up
Just in case that whole "daughter of the inventor of the frozen burrito" thing doesn't work out for Casey, she has a promising career as a child-care technician ahead of her. Check out this listing she placed on a babysitter-finder webpage:Casey Beau Reinhardt E-mail: casey.reinhardt@pepperdine.eduPhone: 949-290-7515Class Standing: FreshmanMajor/Subject Area: UndeclaredQualifications: First and foremost, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CHILDREN! I have been babysitting and working with kids and babies my whole life. I grew up in a big family with many brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and cousins. I worked in a daycare for a year with baby's ages 2 months-3 years old. I am especially good with babies because I have a great deal of patients and compassion. I am very sensitive, very kind, and very safe, which is important when taking care of children. I also have had extensive training with toddlers. I am CPR certified and am capable of all aspects of babysitting, including feeding, bathing, etc. I have experience with children with special needs. I also have a foundation for children called the C.A.S.E.Y. foundation, which helps kids in need. I am a very responsible and reliable person. Kids are my passion. Funny, because I thought Imelda's quesadillas were her passion, but whatever.
Go Fug Yourself
Looks like the girls at Go Fug Yourself have some commentary on the future Mrs. Talan Torriero.Check the picture:
Check their analysis:
"Dude, I'm getting married! MARRRRRRIED! To Talan. Talan! Talan
Torisisisisisisisisisico, or something, I don't really know what his last name
is exactly, but whatever. No. No. TALAN. From Laguna Beach. No, not that one.
The other one. No, that's Stephen. Yes! I think. I actually am not entirely sure
which one I'm marrying, but whatever, I'm SO EXCITED! Also! Oh my God, this is
almost better, I got these bitchin' hot slipper boots. They're like fierce and
ethnic and they look really really wicked with my baggy leggings and this
sweater coat from 2002. I feel AWESOME right now, Paris! Paris? Paris, are you
there? Can you hear me? Paris, will you be my bridesmaid? Hello? What? NO.
Kristin will NOT be mad at you if you're in my wedding. No! Totally not! You
don't even KNOW her, Paris. No, she's just on the TV! We haven't really met her
yet! Come on! We're BEST FRIENDS! We're BFF! Remember how I brought you a card after your monkey attacked you? That's LOVE! Please, Paris? I'll let you wear my boots!"
Pretty spot-on, if you ask me.
Laguna Stars Of Tomorrow, Volume 4.

We’ve spent a couple of days talking about a few of the girls who will be on the new season of Laguna, but most of the drama that girls get into has roots in conflicts over boys. Don’t believe me? There’s the infamous Kristin, LC, Ste-phan love triangle of Season 1, the Alex M., Jessica, Jason, LC love rectangle and Taylor, Talan and K-Cavs in Season 2. (Don’t even get me started on where Cedric fits in to all of this…)
So, why would season three be any exception to the Laguna Beach rule? Check out the first of the hotties that will be breaking hearts and taking names in the upcoming season…
Name: Kelan Hurley
Parents: Candace and Brian Hurley
Siblings: Braeden, one year younger
Vices: "The ladies"Possible Drama With: Girls. He's too hot not to. Plus, there's a picture of Cami, her breasts, Alex and Kyndra all pressed up against him somewhere around....Ah, yes. Right here:
You can thank me later.Interests: Skim-boarding (thankfully, shirtless), water polo
Band: Open Air Stereo
Old Band Name: Stulpigeon 
Interesting Facts:
Mom had a very difficult pregnancy with him and his brother. Six months of bed rest!
Want To Meet Him?
Check out Open Air Stereo with Hoobastank on December 9th! Baby Picture:
Possible MySpace Here
Get Out of the Bitter Barn and Come Play In the Hay

Looks like Perez and I check the same MySpaces...Look what Taylor (or at least someone doing a good impersonation) thinks about Kimberlan:
"I know that love in Hollywood is pure and lasts forever, but I wouldn't be holding my breath for an actual wedding quite yet. Talan is Kim Stewart's third fiance in just over a year. She was previously engaged to Girls Gone Wild producer Joe Francis and musician Cisco Adler."
She also captions a picture of them with the following:
"VOTE NO TO SKANKY ASS WHORES - I mean do you SEE the ROCK on her finger...freakin 5 carats... and after 2 months of dating... I CALL BS... SO a publicity stunt!"
I guess my question below got answered. Think LiLo will chime in on her MySpace?
Although there can be SOME question about whether this is really Taylor's MySpace or not, I think it is. Two of her Top 8 friends are the real (for serious) MySpace accounts of Dieter and Alex M. Think they'd put an impostor on their friend lists? Yeah, me either.UPDATEOooh! More drama develops by the moment! Check the comment Tay Tay left on Talan's official music MySpace:"hey sweetheartcongrats i guess are in orderthough you know none of your TRUE friends approvewhatever... do as you wishjust do me one favor... remember where you came from and who you are cause you are changing WAY to much Tal"
Page Six Chimes In
Page Six, among my first stops for gossip in the morning, has chimed in on the Kimberlan romance today. Their take on things?KIMBERLY Stewart, 26, is in a hurry to marry "Laguna Beach" reality show star Talan Torriero, 19. They announced their engagement yesterday. "Talan's mother is hysterically crying. She is not happy," said a source. "They are getting their paperwork together to get married in Vegas this weekend. They want to do it right away" — presumably before the passion fades. Stewart, daughter of rock legend Rod, just broke up with "Girls Gone Wild" creator Joe Francis. She was betrothed to Mischa Barton's new beau, Cisco Adler, earlier this year.
After a day of reflection, thought and a couple of glasses of wine, I have come up with the following questions about Hollywood's hottest new couple.1. How did he afford the ring? Apparently, he didn't. Word on the street (okay, a message board that I can't remember right now) is that the ring is only on LOAN from celebrity jeweler Neil Lane.2. Do people REALLY think that getting married after just two weeks or two months or two dinners at Koi is a good idea? 3. How do his exes feel about this matchup? Forget Ste-phan and Jason as the pimps of Laguna-- Talan is a more skilled pick up artist than either. Talan has hooked up with Kristin, LC, Taylor, and LiLo. 4. Speaking of those exes, will the hot new novelty t-shirt at Kitson be "I f**ked Talan too"?5. Are Kim and LiLo still friends? Or are they such good friends that they subscribe to the belief that "friends share"?6. Am I the only one who finds all of this incestuous behavior a little weird? Forget just the "Laguna bubble", which is similar to the romantic entanglements of any high school or college. This love affair is the overlapping area in the Venn Diagram of "Hot Young Hollywood" (as defined by Us), reality TV, MTV, and Laguna. Forget "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"...Six Degrees of LB is the hot new party game that's sweeping the nation. Just you watch, hot stuffs.
Laguna Beach Stars Of Tomorrow, Vol. 3
Name: Candace Siegmund
Nicknames: Alex H.’s Sister
Famous Family: See above. 
Friends: Kyndra, Cami, Lexi
Past Flames: Cedric (she was his prom date) and Sam (winter formal date) 
Possible Drama: Bitchfight over Sam with K-Cavs?
Former LB Star Friends: Her sister, for God’s sake.
Future Lovahhhs: Possibly Kelan and Chase (more on them soon!)
Secretly: Wishes Taylor was her sister
Likes: “Hanging out with friends, listening and playing music, going to the beach, partying, culture, concerts, listening to ppls dilemas, dancing,painting pottery, antiques, taking pictures, drinking coffee, eating thai food, gardening, decorating, Maui”
Dislikes: The taste of Skyy Vodka and Minute Maid Pink Lemonade
Job: Works in a clothing store
Quote From Possible MySpace: "Who I'd like to meet:Thom Yorke, Oprah Winfrey, Janis Joplin,Scarlett Johanson, Nicole Kidman, Carey Hart"Favorite Book: "The God Of Small Things" No, that's not just a guess. Check out her review, posted on Amazon.comOne of The Best BooksI Have Ever Read!, January 8, 2005
Reviewer: Candace Siegmund "Candace" (Laguna Beach, CA USA) - See all my reviews
This is the most beautifully written book i have ever read, and goes down as one of my all time favorites. Through lyric and poetry, Arundhati does a great job of accuratley portraying an Indian family in midst of turmoil.
Taylor Cole, MD?
Looks like Taylor's analysis of her "relationship" with Talan paid off...She's enrolled at the University of Arizona as a Psych major.
Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself!
Kimbalan? Talwart? K-Tal? How about just plain MIND-BOGGLING.
Various news sources are reporting the engagement of Talan Torriero and Kimberly Stewart...They even confirmed it to Perez Hilton, who (as always) had the news hot, fresh, and firsthand:
Though they've been dating less than a week, "Laguna Beach" yummy boy Talan Torriero and Kimberly Stewart are engaged!!! For real!
When they first told us, we naturally assumed they were pulling our long Cuban chain, but the two insist that the engagement is for real and not a joke. However, these two are smart, media savvy cookies and they know that they've just bought themselves tons of free press!
According to Perez, a Vegas wedding could be in the works. Wait-- didn't K-Stew once say that that never works out? 
Entertainment Tonight chimes in:
ET has confirmed that KIMBERLY STEWART is engaged to "Laguna Beach" cast member TALAN TORRIERO. The 26-year-old daughter of rocker ROD STEWART recently split from "Girls Gone Wild" producer JOE FRANCIS. She was previously engaged to musician CISCO ADLER back in autumn of 2004. No word yet on a wedding date for Kimberly and Talan.
TVGasm says:
In a statement to TVgasm, Ms. Stewart said, "When we hit that car, my life flashed before my eyes. And as we drove away from the scene of the crime, I suddenly realized that I really like purple. Oh look! Tin foil!"
No word from Mr. Torriero, but insiders say his impulsive romance has been developing on schedule and should dovetail quite nicely with the inevitable breakup and drug habit.
People Magazine adds their two cents:Kimberly Stewart and MTV's Laguna Beach hunk Talan Torriero are getting married, the reality star's publicist has confirmed to PEOPLE. "He's engaged," according to Torriero's rep, Jack Ketsoyan, who says the pair have been dating for two months. Late Wednesday night, Stewart, 26, and
Torriero, 19, showed up at an XBox 360 party at a private home in Beverly Hills,
where Stewart showed off her 5-carat diamond Neil Lane engagement ring to
buddies Paris and Nicky Hilton. A friend of Torriero's tells PEOPLE: "He told me
he really likes her and they're having a good time."
I say:
Nothing. Witty commentary completely escapes me at the moment. I'm even tempted to say that she looks good in those pictures. Is that what (gulp) love does to a girl?
Although I do wonder if Talan's new family crest tattoo is what did it for Kimbo....
Pictures courtesy of Perez and People
Laguna Beach Stars Of Tomorrow, Vol. 2
Name: Kyndra MaroltNicknames: Kynnie, SloreHair: Black...with blonde highlightsEyes: BrownBest Friends: Candace, Cami and LexiFormer Cast Friends: Taylor, Jenn, Morgan S., JeffPossible Enemies: Breanna Conrad (LC's Sister)Parents: Dad is a contractor (Is this a theme or what? K-Cav, Ste-phan and LC all had dads in the "building" business).Known For: Throwing "awesome parties!!!!" according to CamiPossible Drama: Clique war between her group and Breanna?Likes: Running-- ran a pretty speedy 5K when she was 9...against Breanna!, costume parties, shopping, the beachVices: Hair color addiction, french manicures, David Yurman jewelry.Secrets: Not a natural blonde, grew up in Costa Mesa.Vacation Spots: Vegas (with Cami) and Cabo. Hmmm...Two places with "What happens here, stays here" as their marketing plan.Signature Word: Slore...A combination of slut and whore.MySpace Link here.
While trolling TVGasm for some Laguna Updates, I came across this post on a comment board. It's long, comes courtesy of someone who met Trey, and is potentially a complete lie, but at the very least it's interesting and new gossip that I haven't heard before.1. Ever wonder why...Ste-phan took a cab home from the airport at Christmas? Nope, not because his mom and dad and the driver were all on a road trip together-- it's because his parents have "practically disowned" him post-LB on MTV. Unlike his son, Mr. Coletti isn't an attention-whore, and didn't like the scrutiny of his friends.2. Ever wonder why...No one went after Lo? (Arguably the best LB resident EVER?) Maybe it's because "she took it from everybody her first few years. On the show she acts like a good girl because she is very afraid of her folks and that's the deal she cut with MTV". Post-MTV Lo alledgedly "she is the dirtiest, and does mad coke now".3. Waiting for a Maxim Laguna Pictorial? Well, Maxim is willing to cough up a half-million per girl. (Note: this is the most far-fetched of the claims in the quoted post)4. Ever wonder why...Trey and K-Cav didn't talk much? Shockingly, it's not because they appear to have nothing in common, but because they have one key thing in common: they dated. According to the TVGasm poster, Trey dated Kristin up until the beginning of his junior year, and she met Ste-phan through him. As further evidence of his awesomeosity, Trey "didn't let to get to him b/c he's a cool dude (which he is actually) and didn't want to let a girl get in the way of his friendship." Awwww. Cute.So, do you think the ALLEGED rumors are true? Discuss in the comments, hot stuffs.
Thank God. Despite some rumblings over on the
Television Without Pity message boards to the contrary, Gawker
confirms today that LC and Jason are still together. Yes, the dream of monosyllabic tiny-teethed Laguna spawn lives on...
"Jason and LC from Laguna Beach in my elevator at the Millenium just now, 1:45AM, making out. Yes, just us three. The she took a break to say “wow, this elevator thing moves fast” and he said “uh” - I felt like I was watching the show."

I WAS right.
Both times.Confirmation (and pictures) courtesy of
Perez Hilton.
Nickname: K-Tal. Kind of a bastardization of K-Fed (the only person trashier than K-Stew) and pronounced like the Spanish phrase "Que Tal?" which my high school Spanish teacher told me meant "What's Up?" In this case, I think it's more like "What's up with THAT?"
The New Mean Girls

Which one do you think is Regina?
LB Stars Of Tomorrow...Part 1

Although Season 3 of Laguna won’t be starting for another six or so months, it’s never too early to start familiarizing ourselves with the cast of the new episodes. Some we’ve seen before (Cami), some we wish we’d seen before (hot guys on surfboards) and some we’ve seen in the background (LC’s sister). So, in order to get to know the new cast, I’ll be posting a new feature once or twice a week called… (drumroll optional)
Laguna Beach Stars Of TomorrowThis week, we’ll be starting with Cami. Why? She was the most recognizable of the new castmembers. And I happened to have a link to her MySpace.
Real Name: Cameron
Nickname: Cami, "Vaguely Ethnic Girl" (according to
Where You’ve Seen Her: Asking Alex M. if it was okay if she went to the prom with Jason, getting ditched at prom by Jason, in the background at various parties.
Best Friends: Candace (Alex H.'s hlaf-sister), Lexi, Kyndra
Possible Enemies: Breanna Conrad (LC's sister)
Past Hookups: J. Wahl. Come on...You don't think he asked her to prom just 'cause they're buddies, do you?
Past Drama: Walking in on Jessica giving Jason a blow job at a party, going with Jason to prom, texting Alex M. about Jess n' Jason's bathroom lovin'.
Quotes From Her (Possible) MySpace:Hiiii I'm Cami.. I'm a junior at LBHS. IM ALLERGIC TO ANNOYING PEOPLE. I like cuddling.. but I dont like feet, rats and underwater animals. I really wanna be a lawyer cause I can argue my way out of anything. I dont like annoying people but I like coffee and diet coke. I also like waiting until it rains and putting salt on snails. I'm a liberal, I'm argumentative, I'm extremely secretive & sneaky, I'm spontaneous, I always think I'm right, I'll do anything for my friends, but I dont take shit. I make a lot of promises I can't keep but I try not to. I miss all of friends who went off to college but so far Ive made up for it. I LOVE to laugh, and I pride myself on being the only 1/4 Black 1/2 Jewish girl in laguna
I May Be Right...
Looks like I could have been right on with
my post about a possible K-Stew and Talan hookup.
Check out this picture from
Bricks and Stones:

I suppose it's always possible that they're just friends, though...Right?
Dieter News

So, I checked out
Dieter's MySpace, and in his Q & A section he gave up this interesting bit of news...All errors are
all his.
"the book was going to be out this month but i decided to include this years
run as the conclusion so it should be all done by jan 1st and set to release by
feb. i just didnt want to leave that part out, people that have read it are in
shock though hahah i spill my guts and there is a lot of stuff inside scoop and
personal that really makes it a fun read."
Gawker On Laguna

Naturally, if it has to do with Anna Wintour, Gawker is on it. Thank GOD, then, that LC has (however tangential) a relationship with Vogue editrix Anna "Nuclear" Wintour.
Unfortunately, Gawker doesn't have as high an opinion of some of LC's grooming choices...
"In the preview scene, our young LC is even introduced to whip-brandishing Vogue EIC Anna Wintour. We can only imagine how Anna reacted to LC’s permatan and eyeliner enthusiasm."
More LB Analysis From Gawker

I'm beginnning to think that Kristin is allergic to non-denim clothing on her lower body. Seriously-- has she worn anything other than jeans or a jean skirt since prom?
Here she is last night at the premiere of "Just Friends".
Also...Her face is different. New teeth, perhaps?
Pictures from
After The Party There's The Afterparty...
Prom pictures anyone?
The link also gives some hints to who might be in season three...
The Watercooler
The Watercooler on TV Guide had another interesting question and answer feature on LB. Shall we discuss once again?
The Questions1) Do guys like Steeephen really think they can play a pair of girls against each other for two years and not be considered tools?
2) When did you start crying? For me, I gotta be honest. That Cabbage Patch Taylor-Awful Alex M. scene killed me.
3) Do we think Poor Dumb Jessica will actually end up "married with like, eight kids" by the class reunion? Or will she just be finishing her third sophomore year?4) Other than L.C., who stands a better chance in L.A.? Alex H. Who We Love, Kristin, Steeephen or Jason the Chronic Cheater?5) Which one will be working Sunset for bus tokens by Christmas?6) And where was Talan headed without a good-bye to Kristin? I dug that kid.7) Laguna Beach: Life Inside the Bubble. On sale today. Go!My Answers1.) Apparently so. At least he changes his sunglasses around each girl. LC's glasses: sophisticated and classy. K-Cav's glasses: Sporty and a lil' cheap lookin'. Hmmmm.2.)The Five For Fighting song kills me...But Kristin's little montage as she looked over the beach sent me over the edge.3.) I thin PDJ will still be deciding between J.Wahl and Dieter. Unfortunately for her, Dieter will be Running Home 4 Another Girl and Jason will be working the graveyard shift at the bar in LA where all of the failed Real World hopefuls work.4.) Kristin. The girl has an edge...and she's already got a Pacino movie booked.5.) Jason, while he waits for a callback from the aforementioned cheesy bar on Sunset.6.) (Somewhere Dead In) Hollywood.7.) Already got it. Hot.Your answers go in the comments section...

Trent alerted me to some pictures from the Laguna Season 2 Cast's visit to Chicago nightclub Crobar.
Some Highlights...
The Hills

...Not just a
Paris Hilton movie anymore!
Kristin at E! Online:
As I told you a few months ago, L.C. will have her own show--MTV is confirming. The Hills will follow L.C. "as she moves to Los Angeles, goes to college and works as an intern at Teen Vogue," the New York Post reports. Executive producer Tony DiSanto says the series "is the story of Lauren from 'Laguna Beach' bursting out of that bubble, moving to L.A. and trying to juggle school, a career and relationships. You're going to get a good mix of the three different avenues of her life and how she's trying to keep it all together."
Photo from Popsugar
Also from Popsugar? This link to an article in Women's Wear Daily about LC's Internship at Teen Vogue.
So, the big finale was last night, and before I get to the news and gossip about the new season and The Hills, I'd like to hand out some awards...
Most Insincere Friend Quote Of The NightTaylor to Alex M.: "You can still call me." Really? Your best friend can still call you? How sweet, Tay Tay.
Best Use Of Sappy MusicThat Five For Fighting song kills me every time.
Best Line Of The NightSte-phan to LC: "You didn't conquer shit in San Francisco."
Hottest Fashion MomentRealizing Ste-phan has at LEAST three different pairs of sunglasses. And he wore a different pair for comforting each of his blonde friends.
Most Insightful Words I've Ever Heard From An 18 Year Old
Kristin: "I wish I hadn't been so over it."
Doesn't it take most people until their five-year reunion to come to this conclusion?
Hottest Use Of Seating Arrangements As Representation Of A CliqueKristin: "All of those times when we'd be getting ready and Jess would be sitting out here and Alex and I would be in the bathroom..."