Jolie In LB

I check in regularly with
Jolie In NYC for beauty tips (thanks for the heads-up on Bare Escentuals
Clear Radiance!), but in addition to a
NARS obsession, we share a mild case of Laguna-itis.
I was thinking back through the episodes this season, and I became slightly nostalgic for the Cabo trip...And this
email that Jolie posted. Here's an excerpt:
Courtney and I had dinner with one of the “writers” of MTV’s Laguna Beach last night. He said that the show is real but they definitely set up situations. Big surprise.
As most of you remember last week the gang went to Cabo. I know that some of us thought it was weird that everyone was ignoring Jessica and hanging with Alex M.
Here is some background. Before Cabo they showed Jessica meeting Jason at the golf course. They hung out all day and later that night they went to a party at Talan’s house. Talan was trying to pull a fast one and not invite the MTV producers to the party. At the party (while Jason is supposedly still dating Alex M) one of Alex M’s friends walked in on Jessica giving Jason head in the bathroom. The friend that walked in immediately called Alex M and tell her.
Alex M and Taylor jump into Taylor’s car to go kick Jessica’s ass but get pulled over by the cops. Instead of playing it cool Taylor throws the fake id she has in her wallet into the back seat. The cops get suspicious and ask her what it was, do a search of the car, find the fake id, interrogate Alex M and get her to admit she has a fake id too. Cuff both of them and take them down to the station where MTV has to bail them out. So in one night Alex M found out that her boyfriend is a cheater and gets arrested.
The next day Kristen and her sidekick (I think that her name is Alex too?) anyway, they ask Jessica if she hooked with Jason and she totally denies everything. They later find out that she lied and that’s why they are upset with her in Cabo.
J-Wahl Speaks!
The author of a delicious dirt-filled (or with all things LB, should it be sand-filled?) article in the Seattle Times, returns with even more scoop...This time straight from
J-Wahl himself.
"Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County"
Jason told me two weeks ago that he cheated on Lauren with Jessica and I said, "Why? You hate Jessica!" and he said, "I was drunk." Typical! Lauren: "You know what, I'm not in high school anymore. I don't think I should have to deal with this. I'm just so beyond it." Oh, Lauren. If you think the drama stops after high school, then you are sadly mistaken.
In her
original article, she provided the following hot scoop:
Jason and Jessica: Dunzo Before They Began"I broke up with Jessica three or four weeks before that," Jason said. "I wasn't going to call her and break up with her on camera for real."
Jason's Former HaremHe doesn't talk to Jessica anymore and he said he doesn't care for Alex M. much either. (I love Alex M. I want her to be my new best friend.) Jason and Jessica dated for less than two months; Jason and Alex M. dated for "like a minute," she says. "It was really fast."
Jason Makes Out Like A Bandit"Jason's like the guy who you get a little buzz on and then you kiss him," Alex M. said. "I'm telling you, everyone has kissed Jason." (Later, I asked Kristin if she was the only girl in Laguna who hadn't kissed Jason. "I've kissed him!" she laughed. "But that's it.")
Reunited And It Feels So GoodJessica, meanwhile, is going to community college in Laguna and recently started hanging out with Dieter again. "She comes up [to Los Angeles] and I've been going back to Laguna a lot," Dieter said. "I love the girl and I'll always love her. She knows that." As for a reunion between the couple, he said, "I dunno."
Casey-Frozen Burrito Doesn't Sound As Good As Casey-DillaCasey's stepdad invented the frozen burrito and she lives in the old Gucci mansion in Laguna, according to Alex M. "MTV kind of forced me to be friends with her," she said.
And Suddenly, There's A Shortage Of Maid Costumes In L.A.Jason, Stephen and Dieter live together in Los Angeles in a 16th floor high-rise. Jason and Stephen are taking acting classes; Dieter is interning at a talent agency. None of them cleans the apartment. "You walk in there and you don't even see the floor," Jason said.
New York Newsday has a slightly...grouchy
article about LB that actually quotes professors of psychology and media analysis for their opinions on the show.
Why am I linking to it? The sheer amusement factor of seeing a grown man use "dunzo" in print.
Link via
Trailer Park Cash

I’ve sort of hinted around the whole “Who lives in a trailer park” issue in a few posts now, and I feel the need to open up a discussion on the topic.
E! Online’s TV Diva, Kristin, did a
column a few weeks back that explored some of the misconceptions about Laguna Beach. Among the tidbits was info about the House of
Alex, news on
J. Wahl not really graduating, and the hottest tip of all…That someone in the cast actually lives in a trailer park, thus bursting a hole in the myth of the wealthy “Laguna Bubble”. She says:
"Word is, one of the castmembers actually lives in a trailer park, and most of
the castmembers live fairly middle-income existences (at least by O.C.
standards). "
As the above postcard of a 1950’s Laguna Beach trailer park (buy it
here on eBay!)shows, life in a Laguna trailer park might be slightly different than life in a trailer park in my home state of Louisiana. Both places start with an L and end with an A, but only one has an
LC. But still, when the show purports to be about a group of drool-worthy kids (in an aesthetic, social and fiscal sense) I want to know which one of these kids is not like the others.
So, who could it be? Certainly not
Casey or
Kristin—we’ve seen extensive shots of parties at their houses.
Alex H. hosted the fiesta party at her casa on la playa, and it definitely didn’t look like it came on the back of a flatbed truck. I haven’t seen much of
Cedric’s house, but on
Overdrive on,
Alex M. mentioned that he spent $700 on a pair of
Chrome Hearts sunglasses, and I’d hope that if he has that kind of cash laying around, it’s not stuffed under a mobile mattress.
Alex M.’s house has a lovely two-story living room filled with instruments, as featured on Overdrive. And although her behavior may point towards
Jessica as the trailer-park denizen (sex acts in cramped spaces, anyone?), we saw her house during the Worst. Candlelit. Dinner. Ever.
So, WHO IS IT??? Inquiring minds want to know. Any thoughts, anyone?
LB on EB...ay

Have you ever wanted a real piece of the 'Guna? My personal wish list includes Taylor's sunglasses, LC's pool (view included-- possibly Ste-phan, too) and Casey's quesadilla-making maid, Imelda.
If your tastes are a little simpler than mine-- and quite frankly, whose aren't?-- check out some of the auctions on eBay offering little slices of the heaven known as Laguna Beach.
LBHS Gym ClothesAutographed
K-Cav Picture (seriously-- $150???),
Hobo PurseJ-Wahl-style
LBHS Baseball CapPersonally Autographed Talan Photos. (Just like the listing says: It's a great gift idea!)
And MOST interesting...
The Laguna Luxury Mystery Auction Box. The description has hints to the box's contents such as...
Jessica had a romantic dinner at her house with Jason and had her living
room beautifully lit with lots of these!
Um, tealights? No thanks. Wouldn't it be much more interesting if it contained secret items like...
- Pictures of _______ entering and leaving their trailer home!
- Leftovers from the ____ of _____ Alex M. used for her "personal hygiene problem!"
- Password to Cedric's account!
- One of Casey-dilla's hair extensions!
I know that it's election season and all, but I'm not talking about THAT kind of pollster, I'm talking about Polster who got really hot (according to Kristin in the fashion show episode). Polster who is tall, dark and handsome, and friends with Stephen and Trey. Polster who, in my opinion, was hot all along...
Well, THAT Polster (first name Loren, actually) has his own clothing line. How very Nicky Hilton of him. The site is
here, and while it doesn't have any pictures of Polster, it DOES have his email address.
Want to chat with him about clean water, Dieter's charity or just who lives in a trailer park? Drop him a line
Crash Into Me: Update!

New York Daily News had an item about Paris and Stavros' unfortunate car accident...Along with a quote from everyone's favorite Laguna crooner,
"[T]he video shows cops pulling over the damaged car, which also contained
Kimberly Stewart and "Laguna Beach" star Talan Torriero. On the tape, Talan is heard telling police "I'm the only sober one, let's just go." After the cops had sent them on their merry way, Paris blew the officers a kiss, saying: "We love the police."
Maybe he'll take a hint from his ex, LiLo, and do a "Rumors"-style video complete with a paparazzi chase and car crash?
On a non-Laguna note, why didn't Stavros stop when he HIT ANOTHER CAR?
Picture courtesy of the lovely and talented Perez Hilton.
Semi-Private Kind Of Life
While Taylor’s friends are all off very publicly signing pictures, singing songs and getting in car wrecks, she’s enjoying a semi-private existence at the University of Arizona. “
Semi-private?” You ask… “Why not just private?”
Well, because her college photo album is available right
It seems like Taylor has definitely had enough of brunette BFFs, and has assembled an Arizonan blonde brigade that puts
Hef’s Party Posse to shame.
Talan and K-Stew?
So, Paris Hilton got into a little car accident last night…It happens to everyone (see: my car). I feel bad for her, but not really, since she drove her Bentley into an 18-wheeler, and because I think she’s a skank. What was interesting about the
article on was the list of her passengers: The Greek (Stavros), The Sidekick (Kimberly Stewart) and…
Talan. Far be it from me to suggest that guys and girls can’t just be friends, but maybe Talan is trying to pick up on a little of that Hilton Heat (no, not the diseases—the media interest, silly) via Kim Stewart?
Discuss, darlings.
Straight From The Whore-ses Mouth...
Sorry, I couldn't resist that one...Although I think Jessica's skank factor is
infinitely higher than Alex M.'s...personal hygiene issues notwithstanding.
I just checked out the blog posts on
Alex M.'s MySpace, and it sounds
like good things are happening for her. Some highlights-- in her own words, of
course. Witty headlines? Alllll mine.
New Roommates, New Drama
Im moving into my new apartment with Alex Hooser and my friend Britt this monday!!!!!....omg u guys this apartment is amazing ....its in westood, LA which is a perfect place for me and i love my roommates more than life itself haha.....i cant wait to start decorating and getting it all together.....and i know there are rumors going around about alex and kristin but YES they r still friends and talk ...just wanted to clear that up ...
CDC-- Celebutante Denim Campaigns
i also just booked the bongo campaign ( bongo jeans, nicole ritchie and dj am were the last to do it)....along with some other cast members....i am very excited!....we have the photo shoot on the 18th and i cant wait to see how it turns out ...
Running Home 4 Dieter
ok well first ive been traveling around like crazzyyy for dieters charity... Dieter is
amazing! he is so dedicated to his charity and his fans its really inspirational... he only has about a month left and he has been training like crazzy..
Is it just me or does the first item sound a little defensive? And the second item? Can't. Hardly. Wait.
The Midwest's Hottest Non-Alcoholic Dance Club

Will be playing host to the crew pictured at left. As the
website advertises, you can have your picture taken with them, get an autographed picture AND hear Alex M. sing "Hello" live. Did somebody say Road Trip to Napervillle, Illinois? And if you don't want to go...Can I borrow your under-24 ID?
Update: They'll be
here too...And I don't need a fake ID. Hot.
Discussion Questions
TV Guide's
Watercooler had an interesting list of Lingering Laguna Life Questions. (Sadly, Bartleby couldn't provide me with a synonym for "Question" beginning with an L. So much for alliteration, I guess.)
ANYWAY, here are the questions...Below? My answers. The Comments Section? For your opinions. Take it away, darlings.
1) Jason the Chronic Cheater: Good guy or self-destructive? And who were those chicks advising L.C.? They looked like a before-and-after of Ashlee Simpson's latest run-in with L'Oreal No. 36.
2) Um, when should we tell Talan that counseling J-Wahl on winning back his girl was gayer than Pepito the Wonder Chihuahua's cable-knit roll-neck sweater (which, FYI, is totally fetching with his bone structure).
3) Do we think Steeephen will finally realize he's a massive tool once he gets to L.A. and doesn't matter anymore?
4) Since when did "party" become six people sitting around drinking from red plastic cups and eating from takeout containers? That's a Tuesday night at TV Guide magazine, OK?
5) Who the hell do I have to talk to around here to get some more Lo? This is ridiculous. She's home from school, but I gotta look at Dieter?
6) Where did Lauren learn that girls with crappy guys should hope they're "worth changing for"? Even if she totally bounced J-Wahl after his apology, the girl needs to remember she is every woman. Obviously, she didn't read the column last week.
7) Did you preorder your copy of Laguna Beach: Life Inside the Bubble? Get on it, folks!
Bonus No.1: After filming stopped, do we hope that Poor Dumb Jessica got a) back together with that hot Jeff dude who Kristin hooked up with; b) back at Awful Alex M. for calling her a slut; or c) hooked on phonics?
Bonus No. 2: What are you wearing to next week's finale?
1. Jason is ick-tastic, monosyllabic, and his facial hair? Less than fantastic. If my only hope of repopulating the earth was to mate with him...Things would definitely be monastic. As for Heidi and Jen...Harmless. But they're no Lo.
2. TVGasm has done some excellent discussion of the homosexual undercurrents on this show, (See: Cedric calling Jason "cutie" in the graduation episode) and quite frankly, I don't think there's anything I can add.
3. But he hangs out with PARIS. Ste-phan must be important. Right? RIGHT??
4. Red plastic cups are universal code for drinks that you don't want the camera to see. See: Every episode when the kids are drinking. I will admit that although it had a lovely view, decidedly delicious looking catering (I think the takeout containers were a cutesy version of paper plates that most of us would use at an outdoor party) the turnout was less than stellar.
5. I want mo' Lo. Think LC trashing her relationship in the V-Day episode caused a riff?
6. Yeah, I got nothin' on this one.
7. Um...Yes. Right
Bonus 1: She should get hooked on self-esteem.
Bonus 2: Uggs and a shredded denim skirt, obvs.
Basket Balls

Laguna Hookup had this interesting photo of Talan, Ryan Cabrera and some other guy who bears somewhat of a resemblance to Barry Watson of 7th Heaven fame.
So many questions, comments and concerns come to mind...Including:
- Why do Cabrera's shorts look suspiciously diaper-like?
- Is that all Talan had to offer LiLo? No wonder she's on a 30 Seconds To Mars trip...
- Are Talan's legs a little skinny, or is that just me?
All Good Things Must Come To An End...
But thank God we have the season finale (
with surprises galore!) and Season 3 to look forward to.
How much do you wanna bet that Jason's prom date Cami is prominently featured?
Legit Press Coverage Of LB
Aside from all of the "How Real Is It?" articles, there have been quite a few articles lately talking about the significance of Laguna, and actually dissecting and analyzing behavior exhibited on the show.
Salon, the online magazine, had an
article on Kristin recently.
While I have been a staunch supporter of Team LC, Kristin's Rolling Stone article helped me see the positive side of Kristin, and (like the author in Slate) made me wonder a little if maybe I was just envious of her. Plus, LC's teeth are REALLY tiny.
Shop Around

Just in case you wanted to copy the coveted California Uggs and shredded denim mini look that K-Cav consistently (incessantly?) sports, here's a feature on where and how she shops. Although my personal answer to that "where and how" would be "Uneven Hems R Us" and "on heavy doses of prescription drugs" I have to give the girl credit where credit is due...
Kristin On Kristin
No girl-girl action here, sickos, just a little inside info from
E! Online's TV Diva
Kristin (formerly Wanda) on everyone's favorite Rolling Stone interviewee.
In other Kristin news, I'm certainly hoping recent scuttlebutt about my new BFF Kristin Cavalleri from Laguna Beach isn't true. While she's seemed nothing but the real deal in person to moi, word in the LB circuit is that some of her closest friends (and costars) are getting turned off by her increasingly Hollywood-esque demeanor, and even her best friend, Alex H., reportedly has moved out of the apartment she shared with Kristin and is now living with Alex M. Yowza.
Of course, all this talk of a terrible 'tude could very well be jealousy, because, get this: According to sources close to the show, Kristin actually scored a part in an Al Pacino movie. If that's true, she officially becomes the first reality star to become a bona fide movie star (Survivor's Colleen was cute but that Manimal movie doesn't count).
Meanwhile, last Wednesday night at the Victoria's Secret Mood Candles launch party, LC and Jason arrived (brace yourself) hand in hand. Yes, it seems they are together--and were thoroughly enjoying the yummy-scented aphrodisiac candles.
Still, love was not in the air for the entire Laguna gang--far from it. Dieter and Kristen also showed up, but did not hang out with each other or with Laguna's latest couple (L.C. and Jason). When asked where the rest of their costars were, they all had similar responses--just shrugged and acted as if they'd never heard of one another.